Episode 1 - "We Have Always Lived in the Castle"

Book and Bitch - Episode 1.png

This week on Book & Bitch: Raven and Ginnye introduce themselves and the podcast! Join us as we launch the inaugural episode and bitch over our first read "We Have Always Lived in the Castle" by Shirley Jackson. We LOVED this one and can't wait to share. If you haven't read the book, don't worry. We keep it clean. Well...keep it clean as in no spoilers. We can't promise about the other things.

Some highlights of this episode include: Jackson's tragic and magical backstory; Merricat's psychosis; hating on Charles; POISON; creepy children; and the ghost in Ginnye's book.

Book & Bitch is a bi-weekly podcast that combines all the juicy bits of the book with the insightfulness of the forward. Highlighting author backstories with cultural context and writing theory, we’re the book club you’ve always wanted to join. However you podcast, we invite you to come bitch with us.