Episode 6 - "Neverwhere"

Book and Bitch Episode 6 - Neverwhere.png

October is finally here and Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman is the first book of many this month that features the strange, the spooky, and the fantastical. We honestly say "fantastical" too many times this episode, but it is true. We loved this read, and how Neil Gaiman is a true master craftsman when it comes to developing a world out of the mundane London landscape.

The bitches discuss Scientology and the Greek metamorphosis of Richard Mayhew. We also tip our hats to Neil Gaiman and his portrayal of female characters. It was bound to happen sometime, and to Neil Gaiman - we salute you, sir. Hear us discuss how female characters can enlighten and uplift a male protagonist rather than act as a stepping stone for his plot progression.

Book & Bitch is a bi-weekly podcast that combines all the juicy bits of the book with the insightfulness of the forward. Highlighting author backstories with cultural context and writing theory, we’re the book club you’ve always wanted to join. However you podcast, come bitch with us.